NPS Coppice Day

March 10, 2019 all-day
Near Horsley Village

NPS member Mark Shipperlee will lead a practical day on coppicing woodland. Mark manages a number of woodlands in the North East of England and the venue for this day is a seven hectare woodland near Horley which he has recently taken on.  It is a hazerl coppice with oak standards which is quite rare in the region.

We will spend the day each coppicing a stool, sorting material, learning about coppice management as a benefit for woodlands, how to cope with deer, and enjoying this peaceful wood. It will be a chainsaw free days. Please feel free to bring billhook, loppers and pruning saws with you. You will need work clothes, gloves and boots, packed lunch and a hot drink with you. There may be a small fire, but we use most of the cut material. We will be working about 500 yards from vehicles to the actual coop we are cutting.

To find the location, drive to Horsley village – from the west drive past The Hearth Arts Centre and it is a right turn down Mill Way, by a converted chapel, with a sign saying Horsley Wood Cottages. Drive right to the bottom of the lane, through the gate and park on right of track or as directed. It is a huge wood, so unless you have a dog that always stays close, probably best to leave pets at home.

The day will cost 10 pounds for members or 20 for non-members. Please book by contacting NPS secretary Alistair Stevens on

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